Join us for this week’s episode of A Voice and Beyond, where we embark on a journey of personal growth and self-discovery. We delve into the significance of clarity in defining our true identities and aspirations, recognizing the energy and determination needed for self-improvement. According to research, a lack of clarity can hinder progress and limit our potential for growth and fulfilment, and our conversation highlights the importance of regular self-assessment in overcoming challenges around clarity. By consistently asking ourselves challenging questions about who we are and what we aim to achieve, we can find clarity and purpose in our endeavours.
Throughout the episode, we provide practical steps to cultivate self-awareness, set intentions, and align actions with desired outcomes. We share insights into the transformative power of consciously choosing and embodying the traits we desire through intention and habit. Our aim is to empower individuals to take control of their lives and to embrace clarity as a driving force for personal evolution and fulfilment. We welcome you to join us on this journey of self-discovery and growth on A Voice and Beyond. It is time to unlock the power of your true potential within yourself.
This episode is proudly sponsored by The LoVetri Institute for Somatic Voicework™ . Go to and reserve your spot today to become part of a growing community dedicated to revolutionizing vocal education for generations to come.
In this episode
0:00 – Sponsored Ad: The LoVetri Institute of Somatic Voicework™
5:41 – Personal growth through self-awareness
11:40 – Decision making
14:02 – Advertise on the Podcast
18:10 – Finding clarity and purpose in life
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Putting yourself first is important because it allows you to prioritize your own needs and well-being, which in turn can help you be more productive, creative, and fulfilled in all areas of your life. By taking care of yourself first, you are better equipped to care for others and contribute positively to the world around you.

Episode Transcription
Dr Marisa Lee Naismith 00:00
Are you passionate about teaching singing, eager to explore contemporary commercial music styles with expert guidance? Look no further discover the future of vocal education at the low battery Institute for somatic voice work, the original CCM Institute, nestled within the prestigious Baldwin Wallace University’s commercial art school in Ohio. Join us for our immersive nine day Institute, running from July 13 through to July 21. Whether you’re a seasoned vocal instructor, or just starting your teaching journey, our programme welcomes all who share a love for CCM, led by the highly esteemed Jeanne levitre, who boasts an unparalleled 52 years of teaching experience coupled with a profound background in Voice Science Research and vocal health. Our Institute offers a transformative approach to CCM education. Our body based approach, enriched with a robust acoustic component fosters a deep understanding of sound and physical coordination, shaping the future of vocal pedagogy in the 21st century and beyond. Our institute is a place where ideas flow freely, friendships, Blossom, and voices and nurtured so join us on a journey of discovery and collegiality. At the laboratory Institute for somatic voice work, go to w w w dot somatic voice, and reserve your spot today to become part of a growing community dedicated to revolutionising vocal education for generations to come.
Dr Marisa Lee Naismith 02:10
It’s Marissa Lee here, and I’m so excited to be sharing today’s solo round episode with you. Whether you’re a member of the voice, community, or beyond your voice is your unique gift. And my mission, which has been inspired by my own personal and professional journey is to empower you to share your gift with others. Now is the time for you to discover your voice in life, develop a positive mindset, and become the best and most authentic version of yourself to create greater impact. Ultimately, you can take charge, and you can become the director of your own life. It’s time for you to live your best life. It’s time now, for a voice and beyond. So, without further ado, let’s go to today’s episode.
Dr Marisa Lee Naismith 02:10
This session gives you a little bit more clarity on just who you are. Just so you can start dialling into where you’re at in your life right now. Where do you feel that you’re certain and clear? Where do you feel uncertain or unclear? And what is it that you want in your life right now, to find that one thing that highly successful people do, whether they’re an entrepreneur, and executive, and board leader, an Olympian, a global celebrity, and this is from all of the research is that they constantly check in and ask themselves the hard questions. They have this ability to revisit where they’re at on a regular basis. They question themselves about who am I right now? What do I really want in my life right now? What’s next for me? What do I need to develop more clarity on so I can feel more connected to my purpose? Or to my husband, my wife, to my family, to my friends? Where do I feel unclear in my life right now? And they do the work of clearing that up. You see in life, no clarity means no change. No goals, no growth, no course of action, no consciousness and no con tribution. And so we have to develop a greater level of clarity about who we are, and how we want to show up in this world. And that’s the greatest change we’ve seen in this kind of global awakening around mindfulness and consciousness as the conversation is that a lot of people have realised that they are just going through the motions, and it’s created a restlessness and a frustration in them. Because they’re like, I know, there’s more of me to feel. And there’s more of me that I can give to the world. But you know, sometimes, I’m just in survival mode.
Dr Marisa Lee Naismith 05:45
I’ve got my kids, and I’ve got to go to work. And I’m just trying to stay healthy and make it through the day. And the challenge is that we lose touch with the essence of who we are. That part of us that is free, that part of us that is spontaneous, that part of us that finds flow and energy in each moment of the day. And that’s difficult. With all the distractions in our day to day, sometimes you just end up spending our lives being reactive. So finding clarity about who you are, is a work in progress as we continue to grow and evolve, who you think you were at 40 is a lot different than who you think you were at 10, or 20, or it’s 30, who you think you are at 60 is even different than who you thought you were at 55. I know what that feels like, as my life is so different. And I am so different based on all the things that I’ve experienced. And I’ve achieved in that time. And that’s why we need to revisit this, what three words would best describe the best of who you are. I’ve done this activity. And I’ve shared this activity with so many people, where they’ve come up with their three words, and they’ve input them into their phones as alarm triggers. I’ve done this, and it is so powerful. So for example, let me share with you my story about my words, intuitive, resilient, and tenacious. The person who put me on to this work was a former coach that I had, who was an absolute butt kicker, she asked me to describe the best of who I thought I was. And I spend a lot of time thinking about my words. When I first did this, a few years ago, I was in a place where I wasn’t happy with my life. And I realised that unless I had some kind of conscious reminder of who I wanted to be, that I would just grow into the energy of those around me. And I didn’t want to do that I realised that I would become a reflection of the needs and the demands of those people. Those people who are around me at the time, I wouldn’t become a uniquely fearless independent person in this world, that I wouldn’t be able to tap into the best of what I thought my life was going to look like. And I knew I was supposed to feel more alive and more alert and more engaged than what I was feeling at the time. I realised if I didn’t get a grip of who I was, I would become a mirror of the people that were around me, and not the person who I was destined to become. And so I sat down, and I thought, Who do I really want to be if I had to describe that. And when I did the activity, I came up with the dominant traits of who I want it to be. And the funny thing about this activity is when I wrote these three words, intuitive, resilient, and tenacious, I was not those three words. I had been at some stages of my life, but with the ebb and flow of life, I lost that person. But by having them on my mental dashboard every single day In fact, several reminders the day that I had to be that person, I became that person. With all the three traits, they all came together at one time. And that was a great realisation in my life, that we can craft our consciousness. Many of you may not know that the brain rejuvenates itself, and how adaptive we are as human beings throughout our lifetime, we continue growing and changing and shifting our identity, our beliefs, our core values, our skill sets, and our integrity. A human can change with will and habit. This is unbelievable, that we can not only choose our attributes, but then we can truly shape our personality, which is truly going to craft the way that we’re going to experience our lives every day. And I got serious about this work, because I started noticing changes right away, as soon as I declared that these were going to be my words, and I was going to become that type of person. So there is no excuse. Once you decide who you’re going to be. You have no excuses to backtrack, Promise yourself that. I know there are going to be times that you’re feeling down, you may be feeling down right now. And by the way, I understand. But you can become someone different. You can choose to live a better version of yourself, you get to decide who you want to become. You choose to live as a better version of yourself, you get to decide this, give yourself the permission and the freedom to do this without apology without fear of judgement or hurt. This takes courage to stand up and do this work. And I can assure you that I didn’t do this until much later in my life. It was only once that I had been beaten down into the curb, that I had hit rock bottom, that I had to rebuild and become a different person. Because the other way I was living was definitely not working for me. It wasn’t demonstrating to the world or to myself the best version of me. And I had to decide to change how I was interacting not only with my life, and with my circumstances, but also with the people who surrounded me. You don’t have to wait till you hit rock bottom, use this activity to make change. I hope you did the work. And you did the reflection along with that process. Because you can become somebody extraordinary. If you decide to define your true heart and your true self. Whatever that is for you. I chose my three words without apology. And you can do the same. You’ve got to live life on your own terms. That’s bold, and that’s courageous. You don’t need anyone’s permission. So whatever you do, make sure you have your three words written down and put them in your phone as a reminder, put them on your computer, put them where you need to so you can see them constantly. And then constantly ask yourself, what more could I do to become that person to live into that person?
Dr Marisa Lee Naismith 14:02
Are you ready to scale and share your products or services globally? Well, introducing a voice and beyond the podcast that reaches listeners in 99 countries across 2185 cities ranked in the top point 5% of podcasts globally, a voice and beyond is offering you an exclusive opportunity to connect with an international audience. This isn’t just about advertising. It’s an exclusive and unique chance for businesses and individuals to amplify their message worldwide. So whether you’re a member of the voice community, a health care professional and author, a budding entrepreneur or an established brand, seize the moment to be heard where it matters most, you can email me on info at Dr. Marisa Lee, or visit the link in the show notes to learn more about this extraordinary opportunity. Whatever you do, don’t miss out on reaching our global audience. Because your voice deserves to be heard everywhere.
Dr Marisa Lee Naismith 15:28
It’s truly an improbable give that you’re alive in this random chaotic universe, breathing and choosing what you want, and what you’re doing. Your odds are being born a something like one in 40 trillion. It’s an unbelievable thing. That just at the right, perfect spark of time, that you became a human, and you are alive, that you’re here on this planet, it’s magic. And there’s already so much magic in you, the best of who you are, is already there. Now, how do you let it go into the world? How do you become more spontaneous? How do you stop losing your power so much, because you are already extraordinary. And now you have to choose your three words and grow into them, you will become even more extraordinary. But it will be a challenge because we all lose our power when we’re around certain people in our lives. And we want to fit in. And so we start to conform, and we start to chip away at the architecture of magic that’s already in our heart and soul. You can start living into who you choose to be. This is your moment of clarity, define that define who do I want to be? What do I really want to exude and experience and live each day? And how can I set up some habits to become that person, I can assure you that if you don’t choose to become something, you will end up someone you don’t want to be. You have to believe that it’s your decision from here on out for the next stage of your life. Make that resolution to succeed at this stage in your life of becoming the best of who you are. The greatest gift we ever got in our life is the ability to wake up every single day and decide what we’re going to do, what we’re going to contribute, how we’re going to interact with other people, and where we’re getting our focus, and our time and our energy from.
Dr Marisa Lee Naismith 18:10
Step one, get out of your own way. If you’re feeling like you’ve been holding yourself back, it’s time to become more vulnerable. Again, if you haven’t been sharing with your loved ones, what you really need or what you really desire of life, then it’s high time that you did because in silence, there is suffering. And after you’ve suffered long enough, you do become more silent. And now the world doesn’t hear you anymore. So you must get out of your own way. You must allow yourself permission to matter again, with no apologies to the world. You’re not going to get to the end of your life and get a scorecard that is based on how socially conformed and how you fit it into everyone else’s ideal version of you. No one wants to get top marks on that scorecard. You need to evaluate from Am I happy with my life? Did I live my life on my own terms or somebody else’s? So let’s choose to get out of our own way. Stop holding yourself back. No more fears, no more conformity. You’re going to show up as the best and the most authentic version of who you are that spontaneous, happy, fun filled, alive person that you truly are just because that’s who you want to be. Step two. Now you need to define who do you want to grow into, and what qualities of that erson Do you want to grow into. So my qualities were intuitive, resilient, and tenacious. I wasn’t those things at the time, and I had to choose to put them on my radar so I could become those things. You can’t make change, if you don’t know what your goals are around that change. Step three, having tension for your interactions. So you need another three words to who that might be. What are the three words that define how you’re going to interact with other people. So for example, one of my three words is caring. I wanted people who had met me to immediately think that I was a person who cares about me, and about what they’re saying to me and about who they are. I care about their opinions. I care about their struggles in life, as well as about their dreams. That was always a goal. I wanted people to feel inspired. And that was a decision on my part, I set the intention that I’m going to be a caring person in all interactions. And I work hard, ensuring that intention never goes away in all aspects of my life. I am clear on my intentions for my day, every day, I have clarity on what I’m setting out to do, and how I want to feel in that moment.
Dr Marisa Lee Naismith 21:49
If you have clarity, set it with intention, over a period of time, there is no doubt that you can take your life to the next level. The next level of performance for you is getting more clear about who you are about what you want to demonstrate to the world about what makes you a success. I want you to get excited that maybe this is the time to finally define who you are for the next stage of your life. No matter where you’ve been, where you’ve come from, the struggles you’ve had, allow that gateway to open. You’ve got the ability to control your reactions and your habits, and your thoughts, and aligning all those things into the person you know you can become. There’s a reason you have that intention. There to be who you desire to be. That’s a gift that’s already been given to you. So if you have goals, when you become that person, listen to those. Don’t discount them. Don’t forget your goals. Don’t turn away from those things that are real and important for you to achieve. And now that you’ve chosen your words, those words are incredibly powerful. They shape your entire identity. So get clear on how you are going to describe yourself. And think about how you were describing yourself. If you have been describing yourself in unglamorous or rude ways, it’s time to stop. If you’ve ever said to yourself, I hate myself, I’m so stupid. I have no talent, you must realise that you are cheating yourself on the magnificence of who you are. You are remarkable. Give yourself a pat on the back for how far you’ve come in your life so far. So now think about where you’re going. Develop clarity and flow into who you really are, and who you truly want to become. It takes courage to show up as you really are. It’s time for clarity in your life. Well, I hope you’ve enjoyed this session on clarity. So get out there and crush it in life and set about achieving all those things you will truly capable of achieving. Make sure each and every single day that you step out from the wings and you take centre stage in your life, because you are worthy. You are worth the effort. Always have been and always will be.
Dr Marisa Lee Naismith 24:57
Thank you so much for listening to This episode of voice and beyond. I hope you enjoyed it as now is an important time for you to invest in your own self care, personal growth and education. Use every day as an opportunity to learn and to grow, so you can show up feeling empowered and ready to live your best life. If you know someone who will also be inspired by this episode, please be sure to copy and paste the link and share it with them. Or share it on social media and use the hashtag a voice and beyond. I promise you I am committed to bringing you more inspiration and conversations just like this one every week. And if you would like to help me please rate and review this podcast and cheer me on by clicking the subscribe button on Apple podcast right now. I would also love to know what it is that you most enjoyed about this episode and what was your biggest takeaway? Please take care and I look forward to your company next time on the next episode have a voice and beyond