Boosting your personal energy is essential for achieving success and living a fulfilling life. As someone once said, the world belongs to the energetic. If you need a mantra to guide you back to your best self, demanding accountability and providing the stamina to achieve anything, remember this: the power plant does not have energy; it generates energy. We must be the generators in our lives. By consciously intending to take command of our mind, body, and energetic source, we can choose to amplify our energy. This conscious choice allows us to spark our lives, increase our energy, and avoid depleting it through our thoughts, actions, behaviours, and emotions. Building an abundant and replenishing energetic bank account is within our control.
Let’s be honest: the root of all success is your energy—the stamina in your mind, heart, actions, and the habits you create. To help evaluate where your energy stands, I use a four-part energy gauge with my clients. This evaluation goes beyond daily routines, diving into the essence of how you feel in four key areas of your life. This process serves as a quick accountability assessment, encouraging you to reflect deeply on your current state of energy.
Find a quiet place, free from distractions, and take the time to think about these benchmarks. It’s more than just a conversation—it’s an honest look at your energetic life. This reflection aims to reignite your energy, bringing renewed enthusiasm and engagement to all parts of your life—mentally, physically, and emotionally. While it’s challenging to get the best out of ourselves, remember that the foundation of all success begins with energy. Let’s embark on this journey to rediscover the spark and excitement for life with a new sense of aliveness.
This episode is proudly sponsored by Karen Lyu, whose book ‘Singing in Tune’ takes a truly holistic approach to singing and contains clearly defined, yet simple-to-understand lessons, exercises, and practical tips for developing body awareness and maintaining a healthy, in-tune, and skilled voice. Get your copy now at
Are you constantly battling with food cravings, struggling to resist temptation, and feel like you just can’t break the cycle? My dear friend Dr Glenn Livingston has a transformational new book that you can read for free as a listener of A Voice and Beyond. Visit
In This Episode
0:00 – Sponsored Ad: Singing In Tune Book by Karen Lyu
6:20 – Brain optimisation and mental stamina
20:47 – Energy levels, resilience and overcoming cravings
24:56 – Sponsored Ad: Free Book ‘Defeat your cravings’ by Dr. Glenn Livingston
32:14 – Advertise your product or service on the podcast
40:50 – Physical activity, diet, sleep and mental health
46:28 – Improving mental and physical well-being
Ready to reach a global audience with your product or service? We offer multiple opportunities for advertisement sponsorship on A Voice and Beyond. Email or visit the sponsor page to learn more.
Putting yourself first is important because it allows you to prioritize your own needs and well-being, which in turn can help you be more productive, creative, and fulfilled in all areas of your life. By taking care of yourself first, you are better equipped to care for others and contribute positively to the world around you.

Episode Transcription
Dr Marisa Lee Naismith 00:00
Okay, so what do Ed Sheeran, Taylor Swift, Janet Jackson, and Mariah Carey all have in common? Sure, they’re all Grammy Award winning artists. But did you know each of them had to overcome challenges with their pitch prior to achieving their career successes. So if you’re feeling discouraged about your own ability to sing in tune, or for whatever reason, singing in tune solutions for 25 pitch problems is the perfect book that offers hope for all singers who want to further develop their technical and performance skills from the novice singer to the pro vocalist ranked number one on Google, this carefully crafted book by Karen Lu condensers, 35 years of vocal pedagogy research, as well as Karen’s decades of experience as a vocalist and holistic voice coach into a resource that offers 110 solutions designed to help you hit those money notes sooner rather than later. Singing in tune takes a truly holistic approach to singing and contains clearly defined yet simple to understand lessons, exercises, and practical tips for developing body awareness and maintaining a healthy Intune and skilled voice. This book is sure to offer a solution to your specific vocal needs. And the good news is that for a limited time, you can save $5 When you purchase your copy of singing in tune solutions for 25 pitch problems from w w w dot singing in tune Get your copy now.
Dr Marisa Lee Naismith 02:11
It’s Marissa Lee here, and I’m so excited to be sharing today solo round episode with you. Whether you’re a member of the voice, community, or beyond your voice is your unique gift. And my mission, which has been inspired by my own personal and professional journey is to empower you to share your gift with others. Now is the time for you to discover your voice in life, develop a positive mindset and become the best and most authentic version of yourself to create greater impact. Ultimately, you can take charge, and you can become the director of your own life. It’s time for you to live your best life. It’s time now for a voice and beyond. So without further ado, let’s go to today’s episode.
Dr Marisa Lee Naismith 03:18
Someone once said that the world belongs to the energetic. And if you need a mantra in your life that will truly put you back into the best part of who you are, and helps you have absolute energy. Then remember this, the power plant does not have energy, it generates energy, we need to be the generators in our lives. We can choose to spark our entire life to increase that energy or to deplete it. weaken can do that by our very own thoughts, our actions, our behaviours and our emotions. We can build up that energetic bank so that it is abundant and rich and forever replenishing. So how are you doing? Let’s be honest, because I really believe that the root of all success comes from your energy, the stamina you have in your mind, the stamina you have in your heart, the stamina you have in your actions, and the habits you create in your life. So what I like to do with my clients is kind of take them through what I call a four part energy gauge. This is to help you evaluate where your energy is at right now. And this is just to figure out how you’re feeling through four different areas of your life. And I hope that these will serve as a quick sort of accountability assessment. Trust me, it is a bigger conversation than just what are you eating each day for breakfast doesn’t work like that, I want you to really sit down and take the time to think about these four benchmarks. And I would encourage you that if you’re driving right now, to maybe listen to this session later. So you really need to be in a quiet place where you can think clearly spend some time away from everybody, close the doors, or turn off the phone, whatever you need to do. And let’s just you and me, take an honest look at your energetic life as it is right at this moment.
Dr Marisa Lee Naismith 06:03
So the first of the four areas we need to measure is an area I call brain fog. Brain fog just means that when you wake up in the morning, you find yourself kind of just completely out of it. And it takes you a pot of coffee to get you going in the mornings. Or it could be that in the afternoons, you hit a slump, or you find your memory going off with the fairies, or your vision is lost. Or perhaps your creativity really dampens down, and you just feel like you’re in some kind of a stupor, or a fog. Mentally you don’t feel sharp, you don’t feel clear, precise, you don’t feel engaged or energetic, and this happens on a regular basis. Maybe it’s not your fault, because you’ve had some things going on in your life over the last couple of years, or the last couple of months that have really bogged you down in terms of your health, either physically, mentally, and emotionally. Well, there is such a thing as the brain body connection, they’re all connected, the brain is part of the body, and the body feels the brain. There’s a wholeness and an integration to that system. And this is an area where we continue to learn more and more about and we have to keep an open mind about it to. So what’s good for your body is good for your brain. And your brain health impacts your physical health to see we should all have a plan in our lives to optimise our brain health. You know, we’re the ones who are in charge of our own thoughts. Our brain controls everything. It controls how nice you are to your spouse, or your partner, or your friends. It controls how well you do in your job, or in that online course you started a few weeks ago. It controls how well you move throughout space and time. You know what, the one thing that’s going to make you more successful in your life is the optimization of your brain. Let’s do what’s necessary to improve that. Let’s measure how you’re going in this area. So ask yourself, how sharp am I? How mentally energised am I? Am I clear, crisp, precise, and creative on a scale of one to 10. One is that you feel brain dead and you feel totally detached from life mentally, and 10 is that you’re sharp? You’ve got 365 days of clear thinking. So one is that you have lots of brain fog. And 10 means that you had very little or no brain fog. And then ask yourself the crucial questions that the curious mind would ask, why? What’s giving you that rating? Are you satisfied with that rating?
Dr Marisa Lee Naismith 09:49
What could you do to level up to just one other level of increased brain optimization? What is something you could do? Who to make this happen? To get you started, I suggest reading about this topic. And literally, there’s a million books out there on brain optimization these days. And I hope you read them and engage with them. Personally, I love the work of Daniel Armin and Dr. Caroline leaf. These are just a couple of examples of my favourite experts in the field. If you don’t like reading, we’ll go and find an audio book or a podcast, whatever works for you. No matter what, I think there’s a lot that we can all do to increase this area of our energy. Number two, let me ask about this. It’s kind of related to the first one, but it’s a little different. And I call this category mental stamina? How is your mental stamina? How long can you work on an idea or a single concept during your work day at maximum effort before you hit mental fatigue? By this, I mean, you can work all day and you feel crisp, and sharp, and precise and creative, as we talked earlier, that you have all this kind of stamina throughout the entire day, not just in small blocks of time. So how long can you focus? How long can you perform mentally, before checking out the Fallen needing the distraction of your phone before even needing to take that break? And this is different to brain fog, where you go and have coffee. And you go flat out for like two hours with clarity. Well, that doesn’t count. Here. I’m talking about a different kind of heightened mental stamina, like, how is your focus? And how long can you focus for, because I can tell you that mental stamina is just as hard as physical stamina. There are some people who just don’t have stamina, and they just can’t get through the day without losing focus, getting pulled into distraction without needing a break. And this is not just because there is a true physical or mental limitation. But because they just don’t have the endurance, they just don’t have the practices to help them have that endurance and staying power. But you can work to improve that. If you want to move forward in your life. And in your career, this is critical to work on. And the reason most people don’t last very long in their creative business, because of this lack of mental stamina. And the funny thing is that you learn that stamina has nothing to do with you pushing through and not taking breaks. Strangely enough, the fact is that as you take more breaks, your mental stamina goes up. And I know when I’m working on a creative task, I do need to pace myself. And I take a moment on the hour for five minutes to stretch or to reset, and then I’m fine to go again. And that’s okay. My creative juices start flowing again. That gives me the mental stamina. And that is different to pushing through. It is not pushing through. You think about some of the world’s greatest leaders and some who have been real game changers who have just an incredible amount of stamina. Oprah Winfrey, for example, has a legendary ability to have stamina, just being able to stay mentally engaged all day, thinking, directing, leading, coming up with brilliant ideas. She is incredible. So does Bill Gates, so does Elon Musk, and so does Sir Richard Branson, and they all have practices to support that. Okay, so let’s check in with you. Let’s see where you’re at with this. And remember, this has nothing to do with your physical health. It’s about do you have the energy within you You to sustain interest in a task or to stay engaged, or to be creative for a prolonged period. A score of one would be no, I literally hit a wall after an hour of thinking. One is, I work eight hours a day, but I’m only really engaged for only one of those hours. So ask yourself, Am I really engaged? 10 would be, you know what? I can go all day? I’m absolutely interested. And my curiosity and creativity do not diminish throughout the day. Where are you at with that? Be honest here. Why is that your level of stamina? What would it take for you to go one level higher? If you’re an eight? How could you get to a nine? Ask yourself? So number two is mental stamina? And number three is, what about your feeling of aliveness? Do you know what the definition of aliveness is here? How many days of each week? Do you feel truly alive? Is it just Monday when you jump into that week, excited about life, and then you crash and burn by Thursday? Or is it that you have this overall engagement with each and every moment, and that is truly being alive and feeling that aliveness, you have a high level of presence, coupled with enthusiasm, coupled with engagement, let’s measure this. One is that you feel numb most of the day, you feel a sense of nothingness. Whereas the 10 is that you’re busting within Thursday, Assam and an abundance of energy. So much so that you feel fully charged in your life right now. You’re in your energised state. And there’s a boy and see about you. That excitement is around you. You’re grateful and aligned with a full tank of energy, or whatever way you wish to describe that. How do you feel about your aliveness? Where do you sense you could improve? And you know what? You’re the only one who can figure that out? This is something that you have to gauge where you’re at, ask yourself, are you happy with the level of life you feel each day? Now, this is an area like no other, where people start to make those lame excuses. Okay? You don’t understand. I’ve got three kids. You don’t understand. I’ve got this thing going on in my life at the moment. My life sucks. And I just want to be honest and straight with you. If you ever find yourself saying to anyone, you don’t understand. Well, I hate to tell you, that is your ego lashing out, and nothing more than a desire for attention. It’s your ego saying, wait, wait, wait, wait, I’m special. And I have to come back and say, I’m sorry. But you’re not what you are. You are unique as a human. But your circumstances are by no means special. You’re not the first person to be going through what you’re going through, no matter what it is. That belief that no one understands us is a cop out. And an attitude of woe is me in life. Personally, I don’t believe anything I’m going through is all that special. I know. It’s not just unique to me. You have to think about the billions of people who have graced this earth since we’ve been alive. Someone and probably multiple people have been through what you’ve been through, I would say hundreds of 1000s or millions as human beings, I don’t think that I’m going through anything that’s that special. That’s humility. It’s me saying you know We’ve all been through something, maybe I can learn from someone who went through it before me. And so that you understand all the reasons that you might feel fatigued and prevent that feeling of aliveness. Those might be good reasons on paper that explain why you had that level of energy. But it doesn’t mean that you have to stay stuck there. There is no level of being stuck allowed in your life anymore. And we can work diligently and consciously with intention and joy to create our best lives. So if you don’t feel alive as yet, that’s okay. Look, I didn’t feel alive for many years of my life. Sometimes the dark clouds above us, they hang around for a long time, if we don’t learn to blow them away. It’s true that sometimes life circumstances can get us down. You and I both know that. But we also know that either we’ve got habits that are helping us move forward and to re energise ourselves, or we don’t. Either we have routines, and things that we do in our lives, from our nutrition to our sleep, to how we move our bodies, to how we rest and take breaks to rejuvenate. Or we don’t we have these things that can make us feel more alive. But the question is, do we activate them? Ask yourself, gosh, what more could I be doing? What’s next for me? So last of all, this is the last area where the measurement of energy really comes into play. And I mean, really, and that is your resilience, your ability to bounce back. So when stress or setbacks occur in your life, energetically do you get down in the dumps? And take four or five years to feel better about yourself before you pick yourself up and begin again? Or do you bounce back, you pop straight back up? What is your level of physical vibrancy? We know this from the science that those who have a heightened level of physical vibrancy, which means they’re in better physical health and vitality, they actually do bounce back quicker than those who aren’t. Now, that makes sense, right? Because those who have a healthy level of energy in terms of their physical vitality, right? They’re healthier physically, obviously, releasing better hormones and molecules in their brains that allow them to feel refreshed, that allow them to move on from one thing to the next. That’s going to make people feel better faster. That doesn’t mean that healthy people don’t engage in negative thinking. We can all drown in pools of pessimism once in a while. We can all drown in our sorrows. But it’s about how long does it take you to bounce back. See, your ability to be resilient has a lot more to do with hope has a lot more to do with belief. It has a lot to do with the courage to be vulnerable and brave despite the recent failure. Despite the recent stress. One has the ability to believe in oneself in the dark times when the setback is real. Even though it hurts, and you’re embarrassed, and you feel shame about it. You can bounce back. Those feelings are a part of the struggle. That’s a part of the process. That’s just another stage of growth in our life. It’s knowing I have to deal with this thing right now. I see it for what it is. And now I have to move into what’s next for me.
Dr Marisa Lee Naismith 24:37
Now, okay, well, what’s the plan? How are you going to move through it? That comes from I really believe it’s not just mental energy, but a kind of resilience.
Dr Marisa Lee Naismith 24:56
Are you constantly battling with food cravings? Struggling to resist temptation and feel like you just can’t break the cycle. Well, I have some fantastic news for you. Introducing defeat your cravings by Dr. Glen Livingston. His groundbreaking book is your ticket to finally overcoming those relentless food urges once and for all. And guess what? It is absolutely Bree. Dr. Livingston is a trusted friend of mine who has been on my podcasts multiple times, because of his wealth of knowledge in this space. And for this reason, I’m especially excited that you can access the book for free. defeat your cravings isn’t just a quick fix. Inside, you’ll delve into the science behind cravings. Learn how to dramatically reduce giving into those cravings by 85% or more and discover powerful strategies to think less about food and more about life. With over 1 million readers and rave reviews from 20,000 Plus satisfied customers, Dr. Livingston’s proven techniques are transforming lives every single day. Forget invasive surgeries, risky medications, or endless therapy sessions. With defeat your cravings. You’ll develop unwavering confidence in your ability to conquer your cravings and achieve your ideal weight without the torture of dieting. So why wait, don’t miss out on this life changing opportunity. Just go to forward slash beyond and unlock a happier, healthier you right now.
Dr Marisa Lee Naismith 27:10
So if you think about it, your brain fog is usually related to your physical vitality and your health and your engagement. Your mental stamina comes from an energy that’s related to your interests and your passions, and focus and overall feeling of aliveness that tends to come from a foundation of your physical and emotional quality of life. And then resilience that comes from a spiritual level, or a deeper knowing, or a deeper understanding of ourselves. Now, all of these are obviously connected. But I think that these four things individually can help you to gauge your energy levels. Energy is not how far can you run. Most people aren’t working out most of the day. They’re not running. They’re thinking and they’re working. They are engaging with their family and their friends. My hope is just talking through these that were increasing your desire for energy. The greatest gift you can give anybody outside of love and acceptance is to challenge them to be the person who sets an expectation for themselves to be their best selves in their best lives. And you know what? It’s okay for you to raise your ambition for living a better quality of life. A lot of people never give themselves that permission. They never, ever give themselves that permission to want something more. I also want you to raise your ambition for how you’re going to feel in life. And allow yourself to experience an energised, enthusiastic state of being in your life. A lot of people don’t get that gift. They never get that gift. And the only reason they never get it is because they’ve never asked for it. They’ve never wanted it. They’ve never designed their lives around it. So if you’ve got that desire, now is the time to level up. It’s time to say, what’s that next thing for me? Where can I grow? What new things can I do in my life to give myself the gift of more energy? Because when I have more energy, I’m a better person. I have a bigger vision for my career when I have better energy. I just deal better with all the stress that doesn’t bog me down when I have better energy. I’m happier, I’m more grateful, I’m more likely to notice those little things of life when I have more energy. When I’m more happy and energised, more engaged with life, I do feel more grateful. I feel more in tune and in flow. So what is it for you? What’s it going to take? What are some of the things that you can do?
Dr Marisa Lee Naismith 30:44
Now, I’m just going to share with you, my five must haves. And for me personally, there’s just absolutely no way that if I didn’t do these five things I could perform at the level that I do. I know that to serve at the highest level in life demands the highest levels of energy. And so I’ve conditioned most of my life to be able to do that, from the way that I start my day. And it’s not just by luck. It’s not a gift. I have to cultivate energy, and I work at it. Just imagine if you had even just 10% more energy each day. What if you grew your energy by 50%? What if you grew that by 100%? I mean, wow. Imagine you had 100% More energy every day. So just think of it as a chess game. It’s just a game of where can you manipulate the chess pieces of your life to get you there. It’s just simple changes in behaviour that can absolutely explode the overall quality of energy in your life. And I call these five chess pieces, my meds
Dr Marisa Lee Naismith 32:14
Are you ready to scale and share your products or services globally? Well, introducing a voice and beyond the podcast that reaches listeners in 99 countries across 2185 cities, ranked in the top point 5% of podcasts globally, a voice and beyond is offering you an exclusive opportunity to connect with an international audience. This isn’t just about advertising. It’s an exclusive and unique chance for businesses and individuals to amplify their message worldwide. So whether you’re a member of the voice community, a health care professional, and author, a budding entrepreneur, or an established brand, seize the moment to be heard where it matters most, you can email me on info at, or visit the link in the show notes to learn more about this extraordinary opportunity. Whatever you do, don’t miss out on reaching our global audience, because your voice deserves to be heard everywhere.
Dr Marisa Lee Naismith 33:41
Now, these are going to be very simple. These are the ones the five things that I absolutely cannot do without in my life. And they dramatically impact my energy in the most positive ways. These are the foundations, these are the must dues. These are the ones I immediately have all my clients implement. They are the must haves, because without them, you’re just not going to get there. They’re basic. And I believe that their common sense. But as you know, common sense is not always common practice. And that’s why so many potentially great people struggle to access their potential. So let’s start with number one. Number one, M is for meditation. And meditation is a word that has come to be used so loosely and mostly inaccurately in the modern world. It can mean so many things to so many people, personally and I have to be honest, I thought that it was for hippies or those people who We practised an alternative lifestyle and lived in la la land. I thought it was some crazy mamby pamby woowoo thing. This is until I ran into trouble myself. And I found that I was suffering from chronic anxiety and panic attacks. This was as a result of being in a high stress state for a prolonged period of time a few years ago, I was working way too hard. And there was no work life balance, I was neglecting my needs, those things that bring me joy. I was running on adrenaline as I was juggling, working full time, with completing a PhD on a full time load.
Dr Marisa Lee Naismith 35:52
I was in such a high stress mode from pushing myself to the brink. And this pushed me over the edge, I needed help. One of the first changes I made was to turn to meditation, and it changed my life. I can honestly say that since starting the practice of meditation each morning, I have control over my anxiety levels. You see, I’m not the only one. We all struggle from time to time, and we can get stuck in a terrible frame of mind. And meditation can help us to achieve the peace of mind. To help us get back to a positive mindset mode. Again, it’s been proven in the science that meditation helps people become more creative, less stressed, happier, and healthier in almost every area in their lives. So it’s not a spiritual thing, just as I thought. And as most of you think. The research goes on and on as there are 1000s of studies documenting its benefits, including how it can have a positive impact on our mental, physical and emotional health. The brain is the part of the body where meditation can really work its magic. This is because one of the most profound advantages of meditation is that it’s not only just possible to change our mindset and perspective, but it can also physically alter our brains, rewiring them toward more positive thoughts and emotions. And if you’ve never meditated before, the easiest way to begin is to sit quietly and focus on your breath. It’s best to start in small amounts of time, even five or 10 minutes, and then increase from there. Just by doing some simple breath work, you will find stillness and balance to calm yourself. So whatever you do, persist in your practice. And you will find that meditation is a means of freeing yourself from the day to day problems that worry you, then you are free to experience the joy of being fully present in the here and the now. Number two is E and E is for exercise, mindset and physical health are closely connected. No kidding. What’s good for the body is also good for the mind. And we’ve just spoken about that. Yes, and for me, this is absolutely one of the major players. But how can this be? Well, regular exercise can shift your mindset by releasing feel good endorphins, and the other natural brain chemicals that enhance your sense of well being. I can’t begin to tell you how good it makes me feel when those happy hormones are released after a workout. And I also feel so energised incorporating some exercise, or let’s use the word movement in case you’re allergic to the word exercise. So incorporating some physical activity or movement into your routine is critical, not only for your physical health, but according to the research. Regular exercise is directly linked to improving mental health to the good news is that you don’t need to lift heavy weights in the gym or run a marathon to reap the benefit. It’s an exercise. Even things like walking in nature is linked to improving our minds energy and our frame of mind, no matter what everyone has their own way to recharge their sense of well being. Something that makes them feel good physically, mentally, and emotionally, even if they aren’t consciously aware of it. Personally, I know that nothing can improve my day as quickly as a brisk walk in the sunshine, or doing my favourite reformer Pilates class. It’s not just because I enjoy these activities, but they also literally make me feel better. And they help me clear my mind. Knowing what you can do physically, that has this effect for you will change your day and your life, I promise you. Perhaps you’re not sure how to get started, or, most importantly, how you’re going to stick with it. Well, start by trying out some different types of physical activities, the ones you think you’re most likely to do and think about when and how you’d most likely be able to follow through with these. But whatever you do, don’t think of exercise or physical activity as a chore. If exercise is just another thing you should do in your life, you’re going to resent it. And be prepared for those setbacks and those obstacles we all have them. Give yourself credit for every step in the right direction. No matter how small. If you skip exercise one day, it doesn’t mean you fallen off the waggon. Just try again the next day. Stick with it, your body and your mental energy will thank you for it. Number three is diet. Guess what? A healthy well balanced diet can help us think clearly and help us feel more alert and give you a mindset shift. It can also improve concentration and your attention span. Conversely, an inadequate diet can lead to fatigue, impaired decision making, and can slow down your reaction time. There is also a link to depression, panic attacks, anxiety, memory loss, brain fog, they’re all associated with what you eat. Dr. Mark Heyman, who is one of my favourite speakers and healthcare professionals, calls himself the accidental psychiatrist. Because he discovered that when he was treating people’s eating habits, many of these mental health issues disappeared. He discovered that by managing people’s diets, he was managing mental health as well. By fixing the body, the brain was getting better. The idea that eating certain foods can promote brain health match the way it can promote heart health might just seem like common sense. fueling your body much the way it can promote heart health is common sense. So fueling your body with nourishing food is also so important. And that means eating foods that can help you flourish and not just satisfy your hunger. If you’re eating rubbish foods on a consistent basis, you’re simply trashing your mind and your body. And the other problem is that when we’re not getting some of the most basic essential nutrients, it can lead to that feeling mentally and physically exhausted and drained. Which is why experts say nourishing the body with healthy foods is so so important. And be sure to engage all the senses as you enjoy your meal. Take in its colours, its smell, its textures and its taste. Make eating an important part of your day.
Dr Marisa Lee Naismith 44:49
Number four is sleep. The other consideration is to ensure you’re getting adequate sleep. This has been so underrated it. And here we are in the midst of a sleep deprivation crisis globally, people are getting this so, so wrong. Sleep is one of the most important aspects of our lives, health and longevity. And yet, it’s becoming more and more neglected in our society. And this neglect comes with devastating consequences. Our Lack of sleep can compromise our immune system, our performance outcomes, it can stifle creativity, build tension in our relationships, put us in a terrible mindset. And guess what? It can compromise our energy levels. For me, if I’m sleep deprived, not only do I lack energy, but I become an emotional basket case, I’ll start crying at the drop of a hat. So this lack of sleep is having profound consequences. And yet, the crazy thing is that, despite all the science and all the data around sleep, he’s still have those people who argue with this science and they say, Aha, not me, I only need five hours sleep per night. Five hours sleep is the same as having three beers. And I know how I feel after two wines. You see, your sleep is your recovery time. If you’ve had a sound sleep for the correct amount of time, you will find yourself sharper, smarter, and more creative in the mornings. I know I do. I always wake up with all these ideas. I feel way more creative. And that is because according to the Sleep Foundation, adults need between seven to nine hours sleep a night. So if you’re having trouble falling asleep, setting aside just 20 minutes in the evening to wind down can help prime the body for rest. We need to set the stage for restful sleep, reading, journaling, or meditating are some of the ways we can all relax and power down before bed that doesn’t involve screens, which can get in the way of good sleep. even consider setting an alarm for bedtime, not just waking time, allow yourself that time and set an alarm an hour before bedtime to let you know to start powering down. And you know what, no one does that. So listen to your body. And you will feel amazing. Imagine how much more productive and energised you could be asleep, we’ll give you this shift. So if you’re a grump, and you suffer from brain fog, look at your sleep patterns. Lastly, number five s is for stretching. And this is vital. Every 60 minutes I stand up and I stretch. Yes, this is on the hour, every hour, I set my phone. Any time I sit down doesn’t matter if I sit down for lunch, doesn’t matter if I sit down on an aeroplane, it doesn’t matter. If I sit down at home to do work, I set my timer on my phone for 60 minutes. And boom, I say stand up, I get some water. I go over and I stretch for just two or three minutes, tops. Sometimes even less. Sometimes it can be 30 seconds, it doesn’t matter. And guess what? I feel vital again. I feel that I’m ready to work again. I feel super charged again. You’re probably wondering what happens when you’re creating and writing content. And you’re really in the zone. You may ask, What if you don’t capture that moment again? Well, I know that according to the science, sitting down for another hour is going to fatigue me two hours later. So I know that in that short term interruption, it’s going to be long term stem and again, I think that makes sense. So you need to get up at least 30 seconds or every 60 minutes of work. We must physically activate ourselves by moving if we want to be making it through the multiple parts of our day. And so stand up Get some water stretch, refill the water, come back, sit down. That’s the activity that said, every hour for 60 seconds or 30 seconds, whatever you can afford. And I’ve tried all sorts of strategies, but this is the one that makes me like a weapon. Because I’m refreshed constantly throughout the day, it’s helped me tremendously to gain more energy in my life. And there’s a tremendous amount of science to prove that if we take that break your overall performance throughout the day, including your mental performance increases.
Dr Marisa Lee Naismith 50:54
So that’s my five, I want to make sure that I shared with you the basics and the fundamentals, you need to become habits in one way or another. Hey, look, you can do whatever you want, whenever you want, I don’t care. What I know is, if you could just improve in each of these areas just a little bit, what a shift it would make to your life. You know, maybe you can’t do a meditation today. But you go and do five during the week, that’s okay. Or maybe you’re struggling to sleep, because you have so much to do. Whatever you do, give yourself the gift of trying. Maybe sometimes you miss out a workout, or it wasn’t as intense as it could have been. Well, at least you went for a walk outside. So just do something in each of these areas. And you will feel more vibrant and energised. You’ll be like I can’t believe it. Because they all add together to decrease brain fog, to give you more mental stamina, to make you feel more alive, to make you feel more resilient and be able to bounce back as your energy is coming back. And everything will change in your life. I promise you this gets you the results. But you must try. You must make it a habit. You must make it consistent. You must desire it, take back command of it and be persistent about it. Make sure each and every single day you take centre stage in your life. Because you are worthy. You are worth the effort. Always have been and always will be. Thank you so much for listening to this episode of a voice and beyond. I hope you enjoyed it as now is an important time for you to invest in your own self care, personal growth and education. Use every day as an opportunity to learn and to grow so you can show up feeling empowered and ready to live your best life. If you know someone who will also be inspired by this episode, please be sure to copy and paste the link and share it with them. Or share it on social media and use the hashtag a voice and beyond. I promise you I am committed to bringing you more inspiration and conversations just like this one every week. And if you would like to help me please rate and review this podcast and cheer me on by clicking the subscribe button on Apple podcast right now. I would also love to know what it is that you most enjoyed about this episode and what was your biggest takeaway? Please take care and I look forward to your company next time on the next episode have a voice and beyond.